Wide World of Quotes > Samuel Johnson Quotes

Samuel Johnson
English poet, critic, and lexicographer

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Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
-- Quoted in Boswell's Life of Johnson

If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself alone. A man should keep his friendships in constant repair.
-- Quoted in Boswell's Life of Johnson

Read over your compositions, and when you meet a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out.
-- Quoted in Boswell's Life of Johnson

Don't think of retiring from the world until the world will be sorry that you retire. I hate a fellow whom pride or cowardice or laziness drives into a corner, and who does nothing when he is there but sit and growl. Let him come out as I do, and bark.
-- Quoted in Boswell's Life of Johnson

Depend upon it, Sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.
-- Quoted in Boswell's Life of Johnson

When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.
-- Quoted in Boswell's Life of Johnson

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The selection of the above quotes and the writing of the accompanying notes was performed by the author David Paul Wagner.

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